Dear BRZ members,
There will be a Late Night Shopping event on Thursday, December 5. Annabel from Kismet is spearheading this. Thank you for your initiative Annabel!!!! If you want to participate, please contact Annabel [email protected] by November 23.
Our new street pole banners are up and the tree lights have been augmented. New this year we have lights wrapped around the few street light poles that have power. Also our big tree in front of Pages bookstore is decorated this year.
Did you know that 70% of your drop in pedestrian traffic is based on a few seconds glance in your shop window?
Decorating storefront windows not only helps us make Kensington look especially festive this year but will encourage people to come into your store. The BRZ office has some indoor lights for your shop windows if you need some incentive to get decorating. Email Annie ([email protected]) to drop off lights to your store.)
The City sponsored #buylocalyyc campaign will continue through the end of 2019 in the BRZs/BIAs with promotions by the City of Calgary. Please remember to use this hashtag in your social media posts as this will extend your reach significantly. Don’t forget to access your #buylocalyyc besiness toolkit at calgary.ca/buylocal. This small business toolkit has digital marketing/social media how to’s, door posters to print off, digital and video assets.
Paid Advertising Campaign
We are investing in a paid advertising campaign with CTV this Christmas. Watch for 30 second ads about Kensington and #buylocalyyc beginning December 11. Christmas in Kensington will run four weekends launching on Saturday, November 30 in time to promote Kensington as an alternative to Black Friday. The free Horse and Wagon rides will be back all four Saturdays before Christmas. New this year, our Santa will have a ‘throne’ and will be set up on 10th St all four Saturdays to pose for selfies with Santa. The ever popular Petting Zoo will be back for one Saturday.
I would like to encourage all members to think about how you can take advantage of these campaigns to attract the people we expect to come to Kensington to come shop in YOUR store. Decorating your shop window benefits not just your business but brings vitality to the whole street.
If you are planning any special promotions or events between now and the end of the year, for example for Black Friday weekend, make sure you let my office know and don’t forget to hashtag #kensingtonlove, #kensingtonyyc, and #buylocalyyc in all your social media posts.
Annie MacInnis
Executive Director, Kensington BRZ [email protected] 403-969-3216